Baby Girl!
I can't believe that we are in the last month before you turn the big ONE! You are so much fun! You laugh so much, mostly at yourself. You like to walk around the house & peek around corners to "scare" us & then just laugh. You are still in love with your kitchen set & baby doll, those are your favorite things to spend time with.
You are a never ending eater! You love to eat bowls of fruit & anything with carbs. The other day you came over & took my turkey sandwich. You would prefer to drink your milk or water with a "big girl" straw. Your new favorite words are taan koo (thank you) & bu buton (belly button).
You have really learned to love books! Most of the day I feel like a librarian because you take all the books off your shelf, I go back in & put them back up & then you take them all back down. You enjoy picking a book out & bringing to me & sitting on my lap while I read to you. I pray that you grow up having a love for reading like your daddy.
Hallee, adorable!! Lawn gnome...not so much! =)