Sunday, March 27, 2011


Let me just say you LOVE your high chair! You really enjoyed sitting it there while we got your food ready. You like to slap your hand on the tray & listen to the noise it makes. You were not too sure of the food the first spoonful. You pretty much just let it run down your face. After a few bites I think you started to realize that it was really just milk with a little bit of "something" added to it. Hallee you really like the spoon, since it is soft, as a chewing device. You truly enjoyed your first cereal experience, so did we!! Now we are just looking forward to starting you on carrots in a few day...


  1. Thanks for sharing her first cereal with us! She is too cute! Oh, and try to give her a spoon of her own next time ;) helps with the grabbing!

  2. it doesn't look very good! exciting that she is moving on to big girl food! yay!
